October 17 - 19, 2024|Orlando, Florida
Questions? Call: 1-800-970-4355

David Phillips's Schedule

Estate Planning Specialists, Inc.
The Family Bank Strategy—How to Create Your Own TAX-FREE Bank
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 4:35 pm - 5:20 pm

David will explain the inner workings of TAX-FREE banking. How you can build a fortune TAX-FREE. How to access the cash in your bank through the years, completely TAX-FREE. How to create and receive TAX-FREE guaranteed income for life. And how to leave an expanded TAX-FREE estate to your family, valued significantly more than your deposits. In a world of taxes, David will show you how to enter the TAX-FREE zone. Each attendee will receive a complimentary copy of David’s special Report titled, The Family Bank Revisited, an addendum to his best-selling book. 

Estate, Retirement, Tax, and Asset Protection Planning—What’s Your Next Move?*
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Now what? Given that President Biden will no longer be the 47th president, what could possibly happen to taxes come November? Will income tax brackets remain or be increased? Will capital gains tax be changed? Will the federal estate tax credit be increased or decreased? Will the federal lifetime gift allowance remain the highest in history, or will it be reduced to pre-2006 levels? Will the onerous Stealth Estate Tax on retirement accounts remain? Will the Tax Cut and Jobs Act be repealed? Will the Tax Doomsday of December 31, 2025, become a reality?

All of these questions, plus many more relevant estate, income, charitable, and asset protection questions, will be answered by our team of experts, David T. Phillips, CEO of Estate Planning Specialists, Rick Durfee, founder and senior partner of one of the premiere estate planning law firms in the country, and Todd Phillips, safe money authority and president of Estate Planning Specialists.

Each attendee will also receive a complimentary copy of 10 Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, by David T. Phillips, as well as a 50% discount on all of our publications, including The Family Bank Strategy and Trust Issues, Rick Durfee’s new book, and Todd Phillips’ latest edition of his book, The Future of Retirement Savings. 

Register Now to meet me and other top money experts IN PERSON in Orlando, Florida!

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  3. Get Live Market Analysis, Research Reports, & Hands-on Demos
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David Phillips's Profile

David Phillips is the CEO and founder of Estate Planning Specialists, LLC. For 40 years, his company has helped thousands of Americans disinherit the IRS by properly planning their estates. Mr. Phillips and his company have been recommended by Dr. Mark Skousen, Dr. David Eifrig, Terry Savage, Robert Carlson, John Mauldin, and Tony Sagami. Mr. Phillips is one of the editors of Eagle's Generational Wealth Strategies newsletter. He is the author of the bestselling books Estate Planning Made Easy, The Ten Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes, The Family Bank Strategy, Answers to Today's Long-Term-Care Crisis, and The Bombshell Battle Plan. He has been a frequent guest on Fox News, The Financial Advisors, Bloomberg, and CNBC.