October 17 - 19, 2024|Orlando, Florida
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Elliott Gue's Schedule

Editor and Publisher
Energy and Income Advisor and Capitalist Times
Energy Prices and Economic Growth
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 10:05 am - 10:25 am

Economic growth and energy prices are inextricably linked. Soaring energy prices in Europe in the past five years have hampered growth in everything from manufacturing activity to consumer spending; the region’s destructive “de-growth” mantra has meant it’s the only region of the world to see an outright decline in energy consumption.  

Whether it’s developed economies like the US or emerging markets like India, the key challenge facing markets in coming years will be access to relatively cheap sources of energy.  Alternative energy technologies can play a role, but fossil fuels still account for well over 80% of global energy demand, so the production of commodities like oil and natural gas will need to rise to meet demand. In this session, we’ll examine some of the key energy commodities and sectors that will benefit from this growth. 

Profiting from Key Growth Trends in Energy *
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 1:15 pm - 3:15 pm

Energy is the lifeblood of the global economy and, despite what you may have heard in the mainstream media, demand for key energy commodities like oil, natural gas, and coal is growing on a global basis.  

To meet growing global demand, investment in increased production of these key commodities, as well as new energy technologies like solar and wind, will need to expand significantly in the coming years.

In this detailed deep dive into energy markets, Roger Conrad and Elliott Gue will outline key growth trends underway in global energy markets, including the outlook for oil, natural gas, uranium, nuclear power, midstream pipelines, deepwater and shale exploration, and alternative energy technologies like solar and wind. Roger and Elliott will also outline some of their key recommendations for growth and income to benefit from these key growth trends. 

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Elliott Gue's Profile

Elliott Gue is chief strategist at Capitalist Times, an investment research firm he co-founded ten years ago. Prior to founding Capitalist Times, he shared his expertise and stock-picking abilities with individual investors in several highly regarded research publications, including The Energy Strategist, and as chief editor of Personal Finance, one of the largest and oldest financial newsletter publications in the US.

Mr. Gue is one of the foremost experts on energy investing and has dedicated himself to learning the ins and outs of this dynamic sector, scouring trade magazines, attending industry conferences, touring facilities, and meeting with management teams. He is also the co-author of two investment books published by the FT Press, The Silk Road to Riches: How You Can Profit by Investing in Asia's Newfound Prosperity and Rise of the State: Profitable Investing and Geopolitics in the 21st Century